How to Choose the Right Empty Capsules for Your Needs?

- Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Capsules are designed to hold powdered or liquid substances, such as medications or dietary supplements. In the pharmaceutical industry, empty capsules are the most widely used dosage form. Because they are easy to swallow and don’t have bad smell. For supplement manufacturers, capsules offer a convenient and effective method to package vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts.

Moreover, empty capsules protect the contents from air, light, and moisture. It helps to keep the active ingredients stable and effective. Capsules can also be customized in different sizes and colors, allowing for clear identification and dosage control. This makes them an essential part of both the pharmaceutical and supplement industries. If you run capsule business, it is a must to have a thorough understanding, especially choices for different capsules.

Five Common Capsule Types

There are many types of capsules to choose from. You should select the most suitable one according to your production needs.

Gelatin Capsules

Gelatin Capsules

Gelatin capsules are made from animal collagen, a protein found in animals like cows or pigs. This material gives the capsules smooth and flexible texture. Gelatin capsules can dissolve easily in the stomach, making it easier for the body to absorb the contents. Besides these advantages, many suppliers choose gelatin capsules because they are cost-effective.

However, gelatin capsules are not suitable for everyone. Since they are made from animal products, they are not appropriate for vegans. People with dietary restrictions about animal products may prefer plant-based alternatives.

Vegetarian Capsules

Vegetarian Capsules

For those who don’t like gelatin, vegetarian capsules are a good choice. They are made from plants. The materials are always HPMC, and sometimes pullulan, which is from fermented tapioca. Compared to gelatin capsules, vegetarian capsules also feature better stability. They are not much sensitive to moisure and temperature. This stability makes them reliable for storing and delivering sensitive ingredients.

However, vegetarian capsules are usually a bit more expensive than gelatin capsules. The higher cost is because of the plant-based materials and complex manufacturing process.

Hard and Soft Capsules

Hard capsules include capsule bodies and caps. They mainly hold solid materials, such as powders, granules, and pellets. In some cases, semi-solid materials can also be filled. Hard capsules are needed to be separated during filling and then sealed in the sealing mechanism of capsule fillers. This can be operated by human effort or by machines.

Hard Capsules

Soft capsules, also known as softgels, differ from hard capsules in both structure and usage. Soft capsules are made from a single, flexible shell. They are typically filled with liquid or oil-based formulations. So it is particularly useful for delivering oil-based nutrients, such as fish oil, vitamin E, etc.

Soft Capsules

Soft capsules are also known for their rapid bioavailability. Compared to the solid contents of hard capsules, the liquid contents are released and absorbed into the bloodstream more rapidly . This makes soft capsules a preferred choice for products that require quick action. Examples include certain pain relievers or dietary supplements that need to be absorbed quickly.

Enteric-Coated Capsules

Enteric-Coated Capsules

Enteric-coated capsules are specially designed to pass through the stomach without dissolving. The coating protects the capsule from stomach acid and ensures it only dissolves in the intestines. This is important for delivering drugs that could be damaged by stomach acid or irritate the stomach lining. In this way, enteric-coated capsules help improve the effectiveness and reduce side effects of certain medications.

Extended Release Capsules

Extended Release Capsules

Extended release capsules are designed to release their contents slowly over time. They provide a steady flow of medication into the body. It helps maintain a consistent drug level. This can reduce the need for frequent dosing and improve patient convenience. By controlling the release rate, extended release capsules can also minimize side effects and enhance treatment effectiveness.

For example, they are often used for managing chronic pain. It helps maintain a steady level of pain control throughout the day. So they don’t need to take multiple doses.It is more effective than taking short-acting pills every few hours.

How to Choose Empty Capsules for Your Business?

A smart choice depends on a good understanding. Here are 3 considerations for your reference .


Materials are the most important factors to consider. Because it directly affects the quality, safety, and suitability of your product. You should make sure the capsule ingredients must be compatible with the materials you’re filling it with. In this way, the contents will not react with the capsule shell and affect the efficacy of the drug. For instance, gelatin capsules are sensitive to moisture. If your product is moisture-sensitive or reactive, it could cause the gelatin to degrade. And then it affects the stability and shelf life of the product.

Capsule Sizes

Capsules come in different sizes, from 000 to 5. The larger the number, the smaller the capsule. The amount of content each capsule holds also varies. You should choose the right size based on how much content you need to fill. It ensures the correct dosage. For example, size 000 is the largest capsule, good for products that need a high dose, like dietary supplements or herbal remedies. If you need to fill low-dose medications or supplements, smaller capsules like size 4 or 5 work better.

In addition, the size directly impacts how easy it is for consumers to swallow. Larger capsules can be difficult for some people, especially children or the elderly. So you should also choose an appropriate size ensures that your product is user-friendly and accessible to audience.

Customer Preference

For gelatin and plant-based materials, different customers have different preferences. If most of your customers are vegans, you’d better choose vegetarian capsules. Besides, some customers pose requirements for capsule functions. They may need extended release for long-lasting effects or quick-release for faster absorption. You should choose the best one based on the real situation.

Nowadays, people are more are concerned about the environmental impact of their choices. Biodegradable and sustainably sourced capsules are becoming more popular.


The last important factor is cost. It also plays a key role in choosing materials and sizes. Gelatin capsules are more cost effective than vegetarian ones.  If you’re on a tight budget, gelatin capsules might be much better.

When referring to capsule sizes, larger capsules, like size 000, often cost more due to the increased amount of material used. If you can use smaller sizes, like size 1 or 2, you might save money. However, ensure the size fits the dosage requirements of your product.

The End

When selecting empty capsules, it requires a detailed consideration. The capsules you select not only affect your product's quality and effectiveness but also reflect your brand’s commitment to meeting consumer needs. A good choice helps build trust with your customers and set your business up for success. If you need high-quality capsule filling machines for empty capsules, feel free to contact us.


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