Gelatin Versus Vegetarian Capsules: How Should You Select?

- Thursday, September 12, 2024

When it comes to supplements, choosing the type of capsule can be equally as essential. Traditional gelatin-made capsules tend to be popular; recently though there has been an upsurge in demand for vegetarian-based capsules made out of plant materials instead.

In this blog post, we'll compare gelatin and vegetarian capsules in order to assist you with making an informed decision that meets your specific requirements.

Gelatin Capsules

Gelatin Capsules

Gelatin capsules are an easy and appealing choice when it comes to encapsulating supplements and medications due to their smooth texture, smooth swallowability, and stability. Made of gelatin sourced from animal bones like cow and pig bones; processed into clear tasteless gelatin that works beautifully as capsules.

Gelatin capsules make an excellent solution for many reasons!

  • Stewardship: Gelatin capsules protect their content against moisture, oxygen exposure and other environmental influences that might otherwise wreak havoc with it.
  • Bioavailability: Gelatin capsules can help your body absorb certain vitamins and medications more quickly. Tastelessness: Gelatin capsules tend to tasteless, making them easy for anyone to swallow.
  • Versatility: Gelatin capsules offer incredible versatility; you can use them to encase all kinds of substances from powders to liquids.

However, gelatin capsules have their own potential drawbacks as with anything.

  • Animal-Derived Ingredients: As this form of capsule contains animal products like gelatin from animal bones and connective tissues which may concern vegetarians and vegans, some gelatin capsules might not be appropriate choices.
  • Allergenicity: Some individuals may have allergies to gelatin or animal-derived products made with gelatin.
  • Environmental Impacts: Production of gelatin has the potential for having adverse environmental consequences, including water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Vegetarian Capsules

Vegetarian Capsules

Vegetarian capsules are comprised of plant-based materials and are popular among people following vegetarian or vegan diets or who wish to reduce animal welfare impacts and environmental footprint.

Vegetarian capsules offer many key advantages over animal products; among them being:

  • Vegan-Friendly: These supplements make an excellent alternative choice for vegans or people avoiding animal products.
  • Allergen-Free: Because many plant-based materials used in vegetarian capsules are hypoallergenic, vegetarian capsules offer an ideal option for people with allergies or sensitivities.
  • Ethical Considerations: Vegetarian capsules align well with ethical concerns regarding animal welfare and environmental impact.

Vegetarian capsules don't offer everything a gelatin capsule does.

  • Their stability may reduce how long and potency of their ingredients remain effective
  • They may have different textures or tastes than gelatin ones.
  • Gelatin capsules tend to be more widely available for certain supplements or medications than non gelatin capsules.

So, consumers should carefully weigh these options when considering which are right for them.

Vegetarian VS Gelatin Capsules: Which Should You Select?

Deciding between gelatin and vegetarian capsules can be challenging. In order to help make an informed choice, let's go over some key things to keep in mind when making this selection decision.

  • Dietary Preferences and Ethical Considerations - Vegetarian capsules may be ideal if you are vegetarian, vegan, or are otherwise concerned with animal welfare issues.
  • Health Considerations and Allergies - If you suffer from gelatin allergies or have other animal-derived products that could trigger your system, vegetarian capsules might be more appropriate than their animal-based alternatives. Dietary restrictions also could influence this decision.
  • Capsule Properties and Performance - Gelatin capsules tend to be more stable, although their environmental footprint might be larger. Vegetarian-derived options might have less of an environmental impact but might not absorb into your system as easily.

Assist in making more informed choices with this comparison table for easy reference.


Gelatin Capsules

Vegetarian Capsules


Animal-derived (gelatin)

Plant-based (HPMC, pullulan, tapioca starch)

Dietary Restrictions

Not suitable for vegetarians or vegans

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans


May cause allergies in some individuals

Generally less likely to cause allergies


Generally more stable

May be less stable in certain conditions


Can be highly bioavailable

May have similar or slightly lower bioavailability

Environmental Impact

May have higher environmental impact

Generally lower environmental impact


We know it can be tough to choose between gelatin and vegetarian capsules. That's why we've put together this handy table to help you make the best decision for you. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, or if you have concerns about animal welfare or environmental impact, vegetarian capsules could be a great choice for you!

However, if you're looking for a more stable and bioavailable option, gelatin capsules might be a great choice for you! Ultimately, the best capsule for you will depend on your individual needs, preferences, and circumstances. We're here to help you find the perfect one!

What Equipment is Used to Make Gelatin and Vegan Capsules?

The equipment needed to make gelatin and vegan capsules is pretty similar. And there are just a few differences based on the specific materials and production methods used. Here's a quick overview of the main equipment.

Capsule Filling Machines

The capsule filling machines are used to fill empty capsules with whatever product you need. They come in different types, like manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic capsule filling machines. Each one has its own pros and cons.

Manual Capsule Filling Machines - These machines require manual labor to fill capsules one by one. The operator puts the product into the capsules using a scoop or other tool. They're great for small-scale production or occasional use, like for personal or hobby purposes.

manual capsule filler

Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machines - These machines bring together manual and automated processes. The operator just loads the empty capsules into a hopper, and the machine does the rest, filling them with the product. It's great for medium-scale production, where you need to move more product through the line but you don't need to go fully automated.

Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machine

Fully Automatic Capsule Filling Machines - These machines are fully automated, so they don't need much human input. They can handle a lot of capsules at once and fill them really accurately. These machines are perfect for large-scale production, where you need to move a lot of units through the line quickly and consistently.

Fully Automatic Capsule Filling Machine

Capsule Packaging Machines

Once the capsules are filled and dried, we package them into bottles, blisters, or other containers with various packaging machines.

Blister Packaging Machines - These machines seal capsules in plastic blisters, which protects the product and lets you see what's inside. They're often used for retail packaging.

Blister Packaging Machine

Bottling Machines - These machines are used for bulk packaging. They fill capsules into bottles of different sizes and shapes. They can be fitted with features like capping, labeling, and tamper-evident seals.

Bottling Machine

Other Key Equipment for Both Types of Capsules

  • Drying Chambers - To make sure the product stays stable and doesn't have any moisture-related problems, we dry filled capsules in special chambers.
  • Sorting and Inspection Machines - These machines spot and get rid of faulty capsules, so we can be sure our product is up to scratch.

Whether you're producing vegan or gelatin capsules, our team can assist you in finding the right equipment. Please don't hesitate to contact us for a consultation. We'd love to show you how we can make your manufacturing process more efficient!


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