How Many Gummy Bears After Workout: A Sweet Guide

- Monday, September 23, 2024

Do you work out every day? Do you know that one hour after a workout is the best time to refuel your body? But what nutrients can help repair your muscles and replenish energy stores? They are protein and carbohydrates.

 How Many Gummy Bears After Workout

For the former, a whey protein shake can be a great fuel. But did you know gummy bears are a good source of carbohydrates? In recent days, these sweet treats have become a popular post-workout staple. Why gummy bears? How many gummy bears should I eat after a workout? This post will decode everything you wondered about.

Why Are Gummy Bears Good After A Workout?

Gym-goers always watch their diets. If you're one of them, you probably try to stay away from food high in sugar. But did you know that not all sugars are bad? Those in gummy bears can do you a great favor in bringing your muscles back in shape. Here's why so many bodybuilders are now into post-workout gummy bears.

Why Are Gummy Bears Good After A Workout

  • Gummy bears are a quick source of carbs.

Gummy candies contain dextrose and glucose. Both sugars are simple carbohydrates. They can be digested easily and absorbed quickly. At the end of a workout, your muscles need to rebuild their glycogen stores. These sugars in gummy bears can be very helpful.

*** Note: Avoid gummies containing fructose or high fructose corn syrup. Eating too much fructose could lead to a fatty buildup in the liver, resulting in health problems. ***

  • Eating gummy bears can cause an insulin boost.

The glucose in gummy bears can lead to a spike in insulin levels. This spike helps shuttle protein and amino acids to your muscles more efficiently. It's like giving your muscles an express delivery of what they need to recover.

  • Gummy bears are convenient and delicious.

Unlike complex meals, gummy bears are a tasty, on-the-go option. Just put some packs in your bag. These sweet wonders will refill you with carbs right after a tough workout.

When Should I Eat Gummy Bears After A Workout?

When Should I Eat Gummy Bears After A Workout

As we said, sugars in gummy bears are simple sugars. That is to say that they take effect as soon as you start chewing them in the mouth. So, they are considered simple, fast-digesting carbs. However, it doesn't mean you can eat gummy bears at any time.

There's a period called the "post-workout window" for eating. The window refers to the optimal time to eat after exercise for muscle repair. It typically lasts 30-60 minutes after training. This means you should consume gummy bears immediately within the period.

During this time, your muscles are particularly receptive to taking in the quick-digesting carbs in gummy bears. Only by following the time frame can your body quickly replenish muscle glycogen stores.

How Many Gummy Bears Should I Eat After A Workout?

How Many Gummy Bears Should I Eat After A Workout

Generally, when you finish your regular exercise, consuming 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates is beneficial for muscle recovery. In terms of gummy bears, each candy usually contains about 2 to 4 grams of carbs.

That is to say,

If each gummy bear has 2 grams of carbs:

  • 30 grams of carbs: You should eat 15 gummy bears (30 ÷ 2 = 15).
  • 60 grams of carbs: You should eat 30 gummy bears (60 ÷ 2 = 30).

If each gummy bear has 4 grams of carbs:

  • 30 grams of carbs: You should eat 8 gummy bears (30 ÷ 4 = 7.5, round to 8).
  • 60 grams of carbs: You should eat 15 gummy bears (60 ÷ 4 = 15).

Also, the intake number of gummy bears can vary based on the intensity level of your workout.

If you do light workouts like walking and yoga:

Since your body doesn't burn a lot of energy, you probably do not need to intake gummy bears.

If you do moderate workouts like jogging and weightlifting:

A small portion, around 10-20 gummy bears, can be a good post-workout treat to help recharge.

If you do intense workouts like high-intensity interval training and long endurance exercises:

You might go for more. Around 20-30 gummy bears can help quickly restore your glycogen levels.

*** Tips: To boost muscle repair and restore energy levels, it's a proven good idea to pair gummy bears with a protein source during this window. And 30-40 grams of protein is highly recommended. ***

Comparing Gummy Bears to Other Post-Workout Carbohydrate Sources

Aside from gummy bears, other options like bananas, bread, or chocolate milk may provide a great source of carbs and other nutrients for muscle tissue recovery. Here's a simple comparison of these popular post-workout carb sources. This may help you choose the best option depending on your needs!

Carb Source

Carb Type

Nutritional Benefits


Best For

Gummy Bears

Simple (Sugar)

Quick energy boost, easy to carry

Very fast

Immediate glycogen replenishment, quick fix


Simple + Complex

High in potassium, vitamin B6


Quick energy, supports muscle function

Sweet Potatoes


Rich in fiber, vitamin A, potassium


Sustained energy, more nutrients



High in fiber, helps with fullness


Longer-lasting energy, keeps you fuller

Greek Yogurt

Simple + Complex

Protein + carbs, probiotics for digestion


Recovery with protein + carbs combined

Chocolate Milk

Simple + Complex

Protein + carbs, calcium


Balanced recovery, quick absorption

White Rice


Easily digestible, energy dense


Quick carb replenishment, easy to digest

Whole-Grain Bread


Fiber, B vitamins


Balanced carb source, sustained energy



Antioxidants, vitamins, low calorie


Quick recovery, antioxidant support

Rice Cakes


Light, low-calorie, easy to pair


Quick energy boost, easy to digest


If you need something immediate and simple, gummy bears work fine. If you're looking for a more balanced recovery, some of the other options might be better for fueling your body long-term.

Final Thoughts

Snacking on some gummy bears is actually good for you, especially after a really tough workout. The fast-digesting carbs produced by these sweets are ideal for refueling the muscle rapidly and aiding in recovery. Although gummy bears offer necessary post-workout carbs, they often do not contain essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

As such, you'd better incorporate gummy bears with a solid protein source for a balanced nutrient intake. Gummy candies are tasty and can satisfy your sugar craving, but do not overconsume them. As with any food plan, moderation is key.

Want to learn more about the fascinating world of gummy bears? Check out our other informative posts:


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